Strengths and Areas of Improvement (Antonio)
As soon as Antonio finished filling out the consultation form i could see that Antonio has a high blood pressure without doing any exercise, so I now know not to start off witha heavy work out.
One of the first things i have noticed that looked very good was that Antonio hasn't had any of the listed injuries or illnesses on page two on the consultation form, this is good because it allows me to work on any part of his body.
i also noticed that Antonio isn't on any medication, this is a great start because it will not make Antonio drowsy or ill in any of the sessions i have planned for him on the other hand one thing can could be bad is that he has not been to the G.P for 12 months, in this time he could have picked up something over these 12 months so i recommend that he goes and visits his G.P once a month.
A good point is that Antonio exercises 3-5 hours a week, this is quite good so I know what types of exercise i can do with him. Antonio drinks 5+ liters of water a day this is extremely good because it will give him energy but what lets him down is that he has an unhealthy diet, this can cause him to be ill and he could take a risk of being overweight. Antonio also told me that he goes to the gym regularly and works on his upper body, he also sad he enjoys going to the gym because he meets new people and likes to work out.
Overall Antonio has more strengths because he goes to the gym and knows what he wants to do, the things i would recommend him to do is to change his diet so he has a healthy or protein only diet because he wants to gain muscle, i would also recommend to Antonio that he exercises more during his free time or he will not have time to gain muscle mass.
Strengths and Areas of Improvement (Cristina)
As soon as Cristina finished filling out the consultation form i could see that has a BMI of 35.8, according to the BMI scale Cristina is obese, i see this as a weakness because she will not be very able so i will have to start of slow and see how far i can progress with her.
A good point about Cristina is that she hasn't really had many major illnesses but she has had a brain tuma this could turn out the be an area of improvement because she could have a fit anytime if i overwork her in the gym.
te last time Cristina went to visit her G.P was the 23-01-12, this is a good point as her doctor can tell her if there is anything wrong with her.
Cristina trains 0-2 hours per week, this isn't good as Cristina's goal is to lose weight and carry on going to the gym, so to do this she needs to changer her diet and do more exercise, for example Cristina could have an extremely healthy diet so she has a less chance to put on even more weight.
She also said the last time she visited the gym he worked hard and she didn't feel too good the next day because she wan't used to the work load she did.
Cristina has had experience with a PT she said she enjoyed having one 'it was great fun'. this is good as she will know of what i may ask her to do.
To improve Cristina's lifestyle i would recommend her to exercise more when she can because she doesn't do enough exercise to lose the weight she wants too, i would also get Cristina to drink more liters of water a day because she doesn't drink enough for a healthy lifestyle.