Cardiovascular Endurance...

Cardiovascular endurance is also known as aerobic endurance. Aerobic endurance training improves cardiovascular endurance by increasing both maximal cardiac output and your muscles ability to extract oxygen from the blood. It is also called as stamina and it is the ability of your body to continuoesly provide energy to the working muscles.

The benefits of doing regular aerobic exercise are:

Strengthening the muscles in respiration

Strengthening and enlarging cardiac muscle, to improve the pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate, this is known as aerobic conditioning.

Strengthening muscles throughout the body.

cost: the cost of cardiovascular training vary's on what type of exercise you want to do for example, if you wanted to jog around the local park, it doesn't cost any money but if you wanted to cycle you would have buy a bike to exercise with.

time: The time all depends on how long or hard you want to work for. If you wanted to work extremely hard to build up a strong cardiovascular system you could go for a fast jog in 20-30 mins.

equipment required: its all depends on what type of training you want to do. for example you can go to the park and jog for half an hour or you can go to the gym and do a bleep test to test your cardiovascular system.

the person doing this test doesn't meed to be very skilled because they are just testing their cardiovascular system to see how efficient the heart and lungs are.

Advantages: this fitness test is easy to do, it will only take you 12 minutes and you can do it anywhere for example you could run around a 200m track as many times as you can and then record your results. this is a free way to do it unless you want to go the gym and run on a high intensity for 12 minutes.

Disadvantages: it takes a long time to set up because of the distance you have to run, and you may not have the facilities for the test.